We are committed to 2 Timothy 2:15 which says,
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.
Christian education is that ministry of the church that under girds and supports all other ministries and activities of the church. Christian education is concerned first and foremost with transforming individuals into committed followers of Christ. Effective education will change individuals who will then change the world. To God be the glory!
The Congress of Christian Education Auxiliary is the teaching arm of the Louisiana Missionary Baptist State Convention. It includes classes, lectures and group discussion panels targeted and relevant to every age group and every area of the Christian Church and Ministry. It is conducted by the Director who handles the administrative side and the Dean who facilitates the teachers and the classes that are offered during our Annual Session in July and during the February, May, and November Conferences board meetings. Classes are divided into five divisions: Children, Youth, Adult, Ministers, and Church Leaders.
Rev. Tommy L. Carr,
Congress Director